
Feel What You Become

We are all on a journey to become something. To become someone.

From the day we’re put on this earth, what we are bound to become is very different than the existence we are born in to. We are destined to evolve. It is in our blood to change.

Being human is to become. Something bigger, something stronger, something better. To open our eyes and be aware that we are something new just by what we take in. What we experience.

To be, is simple. To become, takes action.

At HIPERFIRE, we didn’t set out to become something different. We set out to be true to ourselves and became something different in the process. We’re the result of the tireless pursuit of perfection. The outcome of a burning desire to innovate that can only be called a passion.

We understand where the firearms industry is today, and we’re ready to transform it.

It’s time to experience the new potential in performance.

It’s time to experience HIPERFIRE and Feel What You Become.

HIPERFIRE, The Company

HIGH PERFORMANCE FIREARMS LLC (d.b.a. HIPERFIRE) is a Minnesota limited liability company located in the Minneapolis and St. Paul, Minnesota metro area.  HIPERFIRE was organized in 2011 to design, manufacture, and sell novel accessory products into the commercial AR15, LE SWAT, and MIL M4/16 markets to satisfy the unmet needs of the most demanding recreational shooter and professional operator.  The product lines include semi-auto and full-auto fire-controls, pistol grips, muzzle compensators, etc. Other technologies are under development that will extend the performance of the current state of the art in demonstrable ways by any objective measure.  U.S. Patents or patents that are pending protect most of HIPERFIRE®’s products in the U.S.  All of HIPERFIRE’s products are made in the U.S.A. by Americans. HIPERFIRE is veteran operated.

The Logo

The HIPERFIRE® logo boldly spells out the d/b/a name and acronym for HIgh PERformance FIREarms, the LLC organization’s legal name.

The colors represent fire, the colors of a firearm’s muzzle blast; white, yellow, orange and red. White for white hot to red for hot, but cooler.

See the bullet trace through H-I-P-E-R-F-I-R.

The logo is the brand trademark. It’s about high-performance and all that that implies.


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Original video, graphic, or photographic content may NOT be copied, captured, downloaded, etc. from hiperfire.com and/or HIPERFIRE’s YouTube channel and redisplayed anywhere.

hiperfire.com content may appear anywhere on the internet, in the print media, or privately. Sites that feature HIPERFIRE copyrighted content by written permission in advance may not be endorsed by HIGH PERFORMANCE FIREARMS LLC. HIGH PERFORMANCE FIREARMS LLC is not represented by any person(s) associated with any other third party internet site(s), print media, or private parties that might feature said copyrighted content, or alluding to any copyrighted content found anywhere else.

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