24C Wins 2014 Pandemian Best Premium Product

MajorPandemic.com awards HIPERFIRE its 2014 PANDEMIAN BEST PREMIUM PRODUCT AWARD for the HIPERTOUCH® 24Competition trigger. Click here to visit the award announcement. The major says, “If your wallet has no limits, the Pandemian BEST PREMIUM PRODUCT category award is where you need to skim to. Each product in this category delivered some of the most feature rich products with exemplary quality.” HIPERFIRE “came along with a totally new and innovative AR15 trigger, which has pushed the envelope of trigger feel, speed and reset with a design that is nothing like any trigger design on the market. HIPERFIRE’s 24C has just dominated the 3Gun industry this year. If you have not tried one of these new trigger designs then you are completely missing out.”

Terry Bender